We have always found that looking at objects from another perspective is fascinating. This is because of the fact that we often discover new things just by looking at a familiar object from a different angle or focus. This might be the reason for people's fascination with digital macro photography.

Digital macro photography is an art. There's no question about that. It takes the genius of an artist to take something so ordinary and something so dismissible and turn it into something that just captures an aspect of life. For that is what art is. No art ever claimed to contain all the truths of life. Art is a reflection of the world through the eyes of the artist. By looking at a piece of art such as digital macro photography, we get to share the perspective of other people and that can be a very powerful connection.

Another thing about digital macro photography you should know is that it is not easy. You need to consider a lot of factors in order to produce great photographs. What are these factors?

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When people get sentimental, they usually flip albums and look at the pictures that depict the things that happened in their lives. These pictures are not simply pieces of colored papers with images for they can trigger deeply-seated emotions. Emotions vary depending on the memories attached to these images seen and preserved.

One of the moments that most people would really love to preserve is the tick of events on their wedding day.

For this reason, people even decide to hire professional photographers to capture the important moments of their lives. However, these photographers may not always advise the client to strike a pose. They are expected to wait patiently to be able to catch memorable portraits. Most photographers that are employed for weddings have assistants so that they can maximize their strategy in creating an album that will not regrettable.

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Cats are wonderful animals! It is remarkable how well these animals have adapted to domesticity. It has been estimated that they have been living in close contact with human beings for approximately 3,500 years.

Not only are they good for pets, but they are also very useful to humans. The ancient Egyptians took care of them to get rid of the mice in their homes.

No wonder there have been hundreds and hundreds of books written that are devoted to the subject of these animals. Most of these books have to do with cat training.

Since cats are predatory creatures by instinct; they still exhibit some behaviors that are best suited in the wilderness. This sometimes becomes a problem for people who have cats living in their households .

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Pet Health Insurance

Recent revelations in scientific research have provided pet owners with the means to now save their beloved family pets from injuries and diseases that would have caused the pet to be euthanized in the not so distant past. The sad news is that when the unthinkable happens and a pet life hangs in the balance most pet owners find that they are unable to afford the often staggering price of the treatments which can range from $3000-$10000 and some cases even more, and are forced to euthanize their pets anyway. It is in these instances that pet owners wish they had the foresight to purchase a pet health insurance policy.

Pet health insurance is similar to human health insurance.

Pet owners who purchase pet health insurance plans from pet health insurance companies do so for a variety of reasons. They might be intrigued by the idea that they will be able to save on their pets annual trip to the vet or they might just be worried that if a serious health crisis develops they wont be able to afford the treatment,

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Brides and grooms alike are now enlisting the expertise of professionals to get the best digital wedding photography for that special occasion. And why not? They would surely want to have the best photo taken so that the memories will be preserved as long as they live.

More and more people are now shifting to the use of digital cameras to take pictures of their wedding. One of the reasons for this is that the quality is better compared to the traditional camera. Another reason is that the photos can be stored not only in their hard-bound albums but also on albums online.

Today, people are more dependent on their computers than ever before. With computers, they can easily upload their wedding pictures and share them with family and friends all over the world. You do not have to rely on snail mails just to send your pictures. They are being sent and viewed the minute you have them in your computer.

This is one of the many advantages of digital photography. If taken properly, you are assured that you and you partner will never regret having used digital photography for your wedding pictures.

Below are some of the tips to get the best digital photography for your wedding.

1. Choose the right background.

Photos can really look great once they are shot with the perfect background. You can use the decorations in the church and in the reception areas as a back draft for your photos. Be sure to fix some scattered decorations so that they will appear simply perfect on photos.

Always remind the photographer to check if the view is good when taking pictures. It does not mean that you have to stand on the same corner or place. The best photographer is able to make even the simplest of background look great on photo if it is taken in the right angle.

2. Look out for any kinds of glass.

Glasses tend to cause reflections in photos. May it be an eyeglass, window or wine glasses. One way or another, they will cause a reflection or brightness to reflect back on the camera it is included in the picture.

To avoid this, the position of the camera can be altered so that it will not directly hit the glass. The photo can be taken sideways or downwards but never on eye level.

3. The perfect timing.

Persons being photographed should not always be looking at the camera. And they do not have to be smiling at the lens too.

One way of doing it is to wait for the right moment so that you can have a candid shot at them. You will see that catching persons on film when they are in their candid state is much better than having them wearing a fixed expression. Candid moments make photos look real and natural.
4. Review each photo.

To maximize the memory that your digital camera has, it is best to review every shot taken. There might be duplicates that can be removed so that you can free more space for a different shot.

You will probably want the best and the maximum number of digital wedding photography shots so you need to make the most of the capacity of the digital camera.

The best wedding photography is made even better now with digital cameras. This is one thing that you definitely should have on your special day.


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Photographing small children is both a challenge and an opportunity; a challenge because children are not always the best at following directions. An opportunity because children are usually so genuine in their expression that if you can help them feel the emotion you want to portray, it comes across beautifully. This article offers some tips on how to successfully photograph small children.

1. Have a playful fun attitude when working with them. If they are having fun, they are much more likely to stay engaged and follow your directions.

2. Find funny phrases that make children laugh. For example you can have an assistant pretend that a toy animal is going to eat your (the photographer) hair. This is effective because it accomplishes two things. First, it is more likely to make the child laugh and second when the child does laugh, he is looking at your head – which should be in the same approximate location as the camera!

3. Explain exactly what you will be doing to the parent. This helps in a couple of ways. First the parent will feel more relaxed. When the parent is more relaxed, the child will likely be more relaxed as well. Second when the parents see that you have a plan and that you are organized and competent, they are less likely to “help.” This help often can be a distraction from doing things the best way in which you know how.

4. Don’t try and over pose children. You do want to have your props and your setting in place and place the child in the proper setting; however, don’t always try and tell the child exactly where to put her hands or feet. Most of the times the child will begin doing things that are natural to her. When you capture a child doing this the parent will often exclaim – that’s my child! The expression and pose is one that she has seen over and over again. This excitement will often turn into additional sales for you the photographer.
Once in a while you will have a child that knows exactly how to behave in front of the camera and you can easily get some great shots. However, this is the exception and not the rule. These tips will help you get some great shots even with these children.

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By: sj honda

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Vanessa and Stephen shoot portrait, senior, engagement, pet, wedding, and family photography. They are available to shoot in all Southern California locations. Vanessa is a Orange County Wedding Photographer who works with a number of Laguna Beach Photographers.


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Printing your shots into paper is the next important thing in digital photography. And the best photo shot will not be given justice if you have not used the proper printing equipments for it. To be able to do justice to the photos that you took digitally, a good printer will really make the prints come to life.

The existence of various types of digital camera paved the way for different types of printers to be developed. Manufacturers know that printing photos is way different from printing plain prints. That is why they are always coming up with printing abilities that would suit digital photo prints well.

Nowadays, there are a lot of ways to have digital photography printed. Each printing methods and techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is best to know what these things so that you will know what to have and what to avoid when having your photos printed.

Here are some digital photography printing choices:

1. Photo store.

The old style of bringing your film to a photo store for developing is still practiced today. The only difference is that films are not anymore used. You just need to bring with you your digital camera and the photo shop will print your photos for you.

An advantage in using photo stores is that they are complete with highly advanced machines you might not have at home. In addition, they know a lot of tips and tricks to make your photos appear its best. Plus, the photo store has the capability to edit your photos if you feel that it does not suit your taste. You only have to give the specific instructions and they will do the rest.

The disadvantage with using photo stores is the waiting period. Even if it does not take as long as it does with films, you still need to wait sometime before your photos are printed. Another disadvantage is that the printing machine they are using may not be the type that you want your photos printed on. So it is better to be very clear about the printing equipment that you want them to use so that this problem will be prevented.

2. Home printer.

This is fast becoming one of the most popular methods of printing digital photos. More and more people are getting their own printers installed at home so that they can print their photos anytime they feel like it.

This way, you can edit your own photos and compile them in your own private collection before you start printing them out. You only have to make sure that you have the proper printer for your digital photos if you want them to turn out the way you expect them to be.

With home printers, you do not have to wait in line for your photos to be printed. All that is needed is for your camera to be plugged in directly to your computer. From there, you can print the photos in no time.

The only drawback in home printers is that you have no other choice of printing process to use. The printed copies will depend on the kind of printing that you use.

With digital photography printing, you definitely have a choice. Just choose the one that you think will give you the perfect photo with minimal hassles and headaches.


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What is the true nature of digital photography? Many people have been asking this question for a long time. In fact, when people ask the question about the true nature of digital photography, they often mean to ask whether it is art or it is science.

Here are some arguments for both sides:

A) Art – many people consider digital photography as an art because it allows for an expression of emotion. They believe that digital photography is a continuation of the art of drawing or painting. You see, digital photography is just like painting in the sense that although it does take accurate pictures of reality, it also allows for some modification through the various digital tools available today.

Even without the editing many people still believe that digital photography is art because of the fact that it does take an artist's eye to find a great subject of digital photography. The nature of digital photography as an art has something to do with the fact that an artist is able to express emotions and statements through visual subjects.

The supporters of the "artistic nature of digital photography" also argue their case by stating its ability to convey emotional messages through aesthetics. The beauty of each photograph, of course, needs also to be credited to the person taking the pictures. One of the strongest arguments for the artistic nature of digital photography is the fact that the picture is rarely really what is seen with the naked eye. Through the camera and computer, a person can alter the image in order to present what he or she wants to show.

B) Science – some people argue that science is the true nature of digital photography. One argument is that photography, unlike painting, actually comes from something existing and not from a painters mind or emotion. This can be very persuasive since, indeed, a photographer does not actually make photographs. He or she merely takes them.

Another argument regarding the scientific nature of digital photography is the fact that the editing that people do and adjustments that photographers make are based on a series of steps that can be narrowed down scientifically. People who argue for the scientific nature of digital photography may reason that the same series of steps can be taken in order to achieve the same results. There is a certain quality of constancy about digital photography that renders it a science.

But what is the true nature of digital photography? We have read the various arguments supporting science and art. There appears to be no solution to this question, right?

The true nature of digital photography will always remain to be a paradox. This means that though it can be considered as an art, it can also be considered as a science. When is the paradox of the nature of digital photography solved? Well, it is solved when a person takes a digital photograph.

The true nature of digital photography lies in the hands of the person who takes the pictures. The way a person treats the process defines the nature of digital photography for him or her. It is not absolutely art nor is it absolutely science. The true nature of digital photography is a paradox. It might seem to be contradictory, but it is somehow true.


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Digital technology has been a prevailing factor why people can now have the ease of access in almost anything they do. Many significant inventions were developed to make it easier for people to finish whatever their jobs require. One concrete proof of this remarkable breakthrough is the digital photography, which implies greater ease and comfort in taking pictures of any kind.

What digital photography means? Digital photography connotes different things depending on how the people interpret it. Some people perceive digital photography as something which converts a traditional photo into digital format by simply using a scanner. Others interpret it as something that is done by means of a traditional picture taken from film and digitize it through the computer. While others see it as something captured digitally by means of a digital camera.

Well generally speaking, digital photography is a type of photography that does not require film. This is the basic concept of digital photo capture. And this is good news for the people because there’s no need to wait for the picture in order for it to be printed. Once you take pictures using a digital camera, the shot goes quickly from the camera and then transferred to the computer. In that instant you can see your snapshot in the monitor and you can even preview the image and check if the image quality is good and the color is accurate. If you don’t like the result of the shot, you can just delete the image and have your photo shoot again. Very simple, isn’t it?

Because of the great features of digital photography, many people now are considering buying a digital camera. Why are there so many people turning to digital photos? It’s simply because digital photos allows you to use your imagination. You can modify the look and feel of the image without much effort. You can change the background or add a text to the picture to make it more personalized. Whatever it is that you want for your photo, you can have it when it’s digitally captured.

Digital cameras allow you to fix the image quality of your photographs. You can edit, enhance or restore your photo according to your taste. All these can be done in real time.

Now the question is how digital photography can fix the image quality of a certain photo. To ensure that your photo gets the best image quality, you need to check the setting of your digital camera before you press on that click button. If the image is already in your computer, you can check the screen of the computer to verify if it your snapshot is in the highest image quality.

Fixing the image quality of a digital photograph usually involves several elements such as the colors and the contrast. The contrast is very important if you really want to get the best result in your snapshots. If you want to add life to your photos, you can improve the image quality by adjusting its colors. There are lots of things that digital photography offers to make sure that your pictures will come out attractive.

By and large, there is still more to discover about the digital aspect of photography. Some of the issues being deliberated are concerned with the image quality, cost of production, the features of digital camera and other amenities. These issues are taken into account to make the world of photography more accessible to the people.


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Today, digital photography is considered the most popular not only in the business industry but also for personal use. For all those who have shifted from film cameras, it is vital that you know the different terms related to it.

The first part of the digital photography tutorial will focus on the basic parts and terms you need to know before handling a digital camera. Below are the common terms used in digital photography:

1. Pixel- means the tiniest part of the digital photo. A photo image is composed of combined millions of pixel.
2. Resolution- the over all quantity of pixels in a photo. Increasing the resolution would make the image become sharper. Thus more pixels are needed to achieve a better photo image quality.
3. Mega pixel- a photo composed of three to four mega pixels will have a better quality that a photo with only one mega pixel.
4. Dots Per Inch (DPI) - this term is used to describe quality of the computer monitor and printer. Specifically, laser printers have more dpi resolution than monitors. Hence, higher the dpi resolution means better quality.
5. JPEG (joint photographic experts group) - it correspond to the format for saving images in the digital camera.
6. Memory Card- this is where the digital files are stored. Memory cards consist of different sizes and capacity. A memory card with higher storage capacity would be more convenient to purchase.
7. LCD (liquid crystal display) - almost all digital cameras have this specification. The purpose of LCD is for the photographer to be able to view the scene first before capturing the photo.

Now that you already understand the first part of the digital photography tutorial, the second part will discuss basically on correct handling of digital camera.

Proper handling of digital camera is the next important step in digital photography. This is because the success of a digital photographer depends on his output. And the key to achieve quality photos starts in the way you use and handle the digital camera.

Learning how a digital camera works, understanding the strategies in taking photos, and how to take indoor and outdoor pictures are all part of the things a beginner should learn.

Below is the second part of the digital photography tutorial. These are good ideas to help beginner master the secrets of taking photos.

1. Pay attention to the subject

One of the most fundamental digital photography tips. You should be able to compose carefully by working on the frame. Play with your camera, and explore the different shots. Avoid positioning your object at the center of the photo, as it may result to dead center image.

2. Capture Close Up Photos

Take great images by capturing them in extreme close up. Close up photos add a little creativity and excitement to the photos. In addition, this feature is only of the different ways to enhance you photo.

3. Use a tripod

Oftentimes digital cameras results to blurry photographs if your hands quiver a little. Getting a tripod will surely save your effort from taking low quality photos, and preserve otherwise great photos.

4. Be active

Try creative shots. Take photos from the top of a hill, or off the side of a yacht. Go outside and explore your environment. You'll surely have fun taking those once in a lifetime photo shots.

5. Join a photography class

Your learning doesn't only focus on the practical part. You must not only learn through your experience. Learning from an expert would also help to improve your skills as a photographer. Try to join a photography class in your community, or if there are online classes you can log on.

Becoming a professional digital photographer really takes time. You just have to be resourceful and keep on trying new techniques. Start by learning the digital photography tutorial because this will serve as a stepping stone for your future career growth.

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Today a lot of people are using digital camera as a means to achieve better and quality photos. Yet sometimes we have to admit the fact that we really don't get the perfect image that we want. Because of the existence of the digital photography software, we can now have the ability to modify and edit the photos to get the perfect image we want.

To give you some examples, below is a list of the digital photography software you can use and are made available in the market.

Adjustment of graphics/photos

Infran View. With this software program you can alter the graphics at the same time crop and cut your graphics, produce slideshows and even enhance your graphics. All these features in one simple and free software program. This is also perfect for group processing.

Image Force. This is a free software program with editing and painting tools. This tool has an image editor and will let you transfer images from digital cameras and scanners. It is also best used for modifying, sending and printing you photos. Though this is a complicated program, you can be sure you'll have quality output.

Kodak EasyShare Freeware. This is widely used for modifying, sharing and even printing your photos. This is great for amateurs since it is easier to use.

PhotoFilter. This is a simple software program. Though it has limited features, it is elegant in a way that it has a user interface and lots of image adjustments buttons, effects and filters.

VCW Photo Editor. This free version of graphic editor provides lots of editing and painting features and tools such as, text tool, color replacement, gradients, editing in any scales, selections by region or color, special effects, etc. You can also upgrade to a higher version for a better features.

Picasa. This is a freeware from google. This software has the ability to share and edit all your photos saved on your PC. The good thing about this digital photography software is that it instantly sets all the images and then sorts them by album with date on each folder. This would help you recognize all the pictures. You simply drag and drop to organize your albums as well as to create labels on each album. Moreover, Picasa like other software has the ability to share and send your pictures through uploading them in your emails, and blogs.

Serif Photo Plus. This digital photography software includes features such as, editable text, image slicing, export optimizer, image maps, smart shapes, selection tools and other image enhancement tools. Its current version is now available for free online, but you can order a CD, with a shipping charge.

ADG Panorama Version 5.0. Like other software programs, Panorama also lets you share your photos easily and generate them quickly. It has added features that embed, edit and publish 360 degrees of interactive panoramic composition directly on the web. This software is internet dependent.

Picture Shark. This freeware allows you to "inscribe" visible text or logos on the photos. Additional features includes: The Wizard user interface; the capacity to of produce real watermarks; it also has a feather that create edges between the picture and the stamp, to make the image smarter; and its support any image format.

These are some few of the available digital photography software. As a digital photographer, you can always play with your image. Put some creativity and don't be afraid to explore. Practice and research more on the software program that you think would work best.


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Nowadays, according to psychologists, more and more people are getting visually inclined. In other words, most of us love to use our eyes!

In what ways do we use our eyes for?

We use our eyes to view things in our environment. However, through time, man has devised ways on how to preserve the things we see, whether these are beautiful or not, and one of which is by way of using cameras.

These days, the biggest sellers in the camera market are the so-called digital SLR cameras.

Just what is an SLR camera?

SLR is an acronym for Single Lens Reflex. SLR cameras were the tools made for and used by professional photographers. Cameras such as these, similarly, make use of mirror that reflects light entering the lens up into the eye piece or the viewfinder. Thus, a photographer can gauge how the image or picture will look like. Moreover, a SLR camera uses lenses that are interchangeable. Hence, this camera can be used for long distance telephoto photography or close-up macro photography.

A digital SLR or DSLR camera is dependent on lenses and mirror and their optical capabilities. However a DSLR camera uses light sensor chips and digital memory cards instead of films, basically a computerized version of the abovementioned camera.

The following summarizes the comparison between DSLR and point and shoot cameras (SLRs):

1. DSLRs and SLRs use interchangeable lenses for better resolution.
2. Any picture you take using SLRs and DSLRs is usually crisper, cleaner and fine upon reproduction.
3. DSLRs have a higher speed when it comes to focusing and taking pictures
4. DSLRs perform better at low lighting conditions by using ISO speeds. These cameras have lesser granularity.
5. DSLRS provide more professional power over depth of field, light, and responsiveness.
6. DSLRs provide a more immediate feedback as they use digital chips or light sensing CCDs that translate incoming light rays into digital pictures.
7. DSLRs and SLRs cost more than point and shoot cameras.
8. DSLRs and SLRs are usually heavier than some point and shoot models.

Some sample DSLR models are listed below:

Prosumer models:

• Canon EOS 10D
• Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT
• Nikon D50
• Nikon D70s
• Pentax *ist DS

Professional Models:

• Canon EOS 1D Mark II
• Canon EOS 20D
• Fuji Finepix S3 Pro
• Nikon D2x

Who actually wants DSLRs? Anyone wants to have crisper and clearer pictures—be it a hobbyist or a professional photographer can opt for a DSLR model. Anyone who will not bother carrying bigger cameras on trips in order to bring back topnotch photos can make use of DSLRs.

Like all electronic and computerized gadgets, digital models tend to get cheaper yet better over time. For sure, DSLRs will eventually migrate down to consumer cameras: ability to take bursts of 10 frames in a few seconds, quick response time, higher resolution image sensors, and accurate auto-focus, among others.

The only thing that will remain constant are the laws of optics—you will not get the same results from a finger-nail sized lens as with larger lenses used by professional users. Also the fact that people do not have enough money all the time remains the same through time.

If you plan to take photography as a profession, practice shooting some shots using prosumers models and consider budget and quality of lenses before you say, “Big Cheese”!

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Maybe you have heard something like this before: “The better the cameras, the better the photos.” In this effect, you might have thought of digital cameras. Many believe that these models are just a one-click away for great photos. Do you also believe on this?

Ponder on the following article and the appropriate answer will be revealed to you.

The rivalry between film cameras and digital cameras is relatively fresh. How come? Three mega pixels digital cameras have an array of choices for consumers, which is already comparable to a high quality point and shoot models. Nowadays, the same thing goes with five mega pixels digital models for excellent quality photographs. The thing is, quality photographs can be taken with ease using digital cameras.

Some of the main advantages to digital photography are:

• pictures can be previewed immediately on the built-in LCD screen
• costs of installing films are replaced with memory sticks or cards that are primarily reusable and can store thousands of pictures
• the stored photographs can easily be shared by copying off the images and/or sharing the memory stick or card
• images can easily be transformed into black and white and/or sepia and can also be cropped after the picture has been taken

However, photos under low light and taken using film and digital models are both susceptible to artifacts or granularity. Images taken by both cameras appear to be very similar can be further improved with the advent of software that can improve and manipulate the quality and details of images.

Furthermore, you can take lousy shots with the most expensive Nikon models and make great photos with the passé point and shoot cameras. It suffices to say that it is not the camera that solely makes great and even picture-perfect images. The man behind the camera can squeeze or miss a big time out of the gadget that he has.

The following presents a ten-point aid that will enable you to take photos like a pro using your digital cameras. Practice on these tips so you can maximize the expense of your gadget.

1. Those Tones Should Warm Up

Change your white balance setting from auto to cloudy when shooting sunny landscapes and outdoor portraits. This increases the yellow and red tones, thus resulting in warmer and richer pictures.

2. Use a [Sunglass] Polarizer

A polarizer should always come in handy when taking those general outdoor shooting. Polarized shots have more saturated and richer colors because unwanted reflections and glare are minimized or even removed.

If your digital camera can not accommodate a polarizer, simply place a sunglass as close to the camera lens as possible making sure that the rims of the glass will not be taken along with the image. The effect of a polarizer can be maximized when the light source is perpendicular to the object.

3. Shining Outdoor Portraits

One of the most useful and amazing features of digital cameras is the flash on or fill flash mode. This feature allows you to take control when to use the flash. It simply goes on whenever you want it available. This helps in capturing great outdoor photographs.

The camera exposes for the background first then adds enough flash to illuminate the subject when you are using the flash on option. Wedding photographers have been using this technique for many years to create professional looking portraits where everything in the composition is simply excellent.

To come up with a more relaxed photograph, try putting the subject under the shade and use the flash to add illumination.

You can also practice on using rim lighting where the sun illuminates the hair of the subject from the side or the back.

However, you should not stand that far away when using the fill flash since most built-in models have a range of 10 feet or even less.

4. Macro Mode Frenzy

I am quite sure that you would want to look at the fine details of your surroundings but would not be willing to crouch down and lie on the ground with your belly.

In that case, you just have to look for the macro made or close up symbol, usually a flower icon, and get as close to an object as possible. Once the confirmation light signals you to shoot, just press the shutter down to record the portrait.

However, using the close up mode allows you to have a shallow depth so you can concentrate on the part of the subject that you want to emphasize and let the rest go soft.

5. Chaos of the Horizon Line

There are still photographers who become disoriented when lining up their shoots. In other words, once they look at their cameras monitor, images that are erect seem to be a little tilted or bowed inward.

The most appropriate way to take care of this matter is to take your best shot at a straight picture, then take another picture after repositioning the camera. Afterwards, you can delete the others once you feel you captured a perfectly aligned image.

Also, just practice level framing your shots until you become acquainted with the process.

6. Massive Media Card

You have to have an extra memory card especially when you want more moments to preserve. The following suggestions should be considered before buying a memory card:
a. for 3 mega pixels – a 256 MB memory card
b. for 4 mega pixels – a 512 MB memory card
c. for 6 mega pixels – 1 gigabyte memory card

Then you do not have to miss another shot because your card is full.

7. Not High Resolution All the Time

It is more advisable to squeeze more images by shooting a low quality and resolution settings than taking shots with a high resolution all the time. This way you can reserve a space and a 2272 x 1704 resolution on the next great image of the century and enough for the portrait to be printed on a 8” x 10” inch paper suitable for framing.

However, if you have enough memory (and you should), there is no reason to shoot at a lower resolution and risk missing the chance to display your work the big way.

8. Tolerate that Tripod

Tripods are “unnecessarily bulky” for some so seldom do people like to bring them around.

Nowadays, there is an ingenious way to settle the dilemma whether to bring a tripod around or to do without it. The UltraPod II™ developed by Pedco fits in your back pocket and holds your camera steady in various situations.

You can use the Velcro™ strap to attach your camera on a tree limb or an available pole. Its legs can be opened on any flat surface or even on a boulder.

Now, you can be a real photographer without carrying a heavy burden.

9. The Fun with Self Timer

Another under-used feature on almost every digital camera is the self timer. This function can be used to save the photographer for missing the picture by delaying the firing of the shutter up to 10 seconds.

You can attach your UltraPod™ to ensure that your camera will not be taken away that easily by some strangers. Of course, you need to aim at the subject and not at a distant background before setting up the timer. Also the depth of the subject should be checked too.

By using self timers, you can also avoid accidentally jarring the camera when you are interested in making long exposures of cars driving at dusk as you initiate the focus.

10. Slow Motions

Normally, you will use an exposure of one second or a bit longer to create the flowing effect of water. In this case, you have to look for waterfalls or streams that are under the shade.

One trick is to use a polarizer or your sunglasses to darken the scene and create a longer exposure. More so, this technique can also eliminate distractions from your portrait.

For a really good photographer, which implies using creativity and ingenuity, viewers often get curious and ask, “What sort of camera model do you have there?”

Would it be more humbling for them to hear that you are using a normal aim and shoot model?

Or you can simply say, “Model ME.”

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Today, more people are getting hooked over Digital photography. Since the birth of digital photography, it has been easier and more convenient for people to capture the best photos they desire. Digital Photography indeed has become the wave of today and in the near future. But what if you're still using the old mode of taking photos- the film photography? Well, think again.

For those few people who are still using film photography, here are some good reasons why you should opt for digital photography:

1. Generally, one of the most excellent features of choosing digital photography is that its convenience. Aside from the fact that digital cameras are easy to use since they are user friendly, these cameras are also portable and you can just safely place it in your pocket anywhere you go.

2. With digital camera, you can save your time and effort. Digital cameras provide instant feedback once you take photos. It has a review button to let you view all the photos so you'll be able to choose the best one. At the same time, it has also a delete button for those photos you don't like to keep. In short, you can keep on trying until you get the right photo. Now isn't that great?

3. The next good thing about digital photography is its capacity to have your photos printed immediately. Actually, you can it is much easier if you have a digital printer. You can just simply connect your digital camera to the printer and press the button to print. On the contrary, film cameras takes time before you get your photos developed. You also have to go back to the photo shop to get your pictures.

4. Another great thing you can get from digital photography is the capacity to modify or edit your photos anytime. Since the images are in digital files, it is much easier now to edit them. You can simply open the images in any photo editing software supported by the file. With the photo editing software, you can alter or adjust the color of your photos. You can also crop the photo and design your own photo. All of these in one photo editing package. It's more than what you can get from film cameras.

5. If you want to put up a small business, then digital photography would be of great help. Let your creativity works. Digital photos cannot just be simple photos. Now, you can turn them into T-shirts, mugs, invitations, greeting cards, calendars and a lot more. This is for the fact that digital photos can be printed anywhere and in anyway. Just make use of the right photo paper, and surely, you can make lots of money from it.

6. Lastly, digital photography has the ability to share the photos you have you're your love ones and relatives. You can simply give a copy of the precious moments to someone everywhere. Just attach the softcopy of the photo to your email and send. That easy. But with film camera, you will spend money just on scanning the photos, to be able to send them online. Of course that's an extra work for a digital photographer.

Apparently, digital photography has really paved way for making photography convenient and easier at the same time achieving high quality photos. It just shows that there's no other time to opt to digital photography than now.

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Photography lenses is the topic of the photography information that I have for you today. There are all kinds of lens for all types of photography. This may seem to be confusing but luckily just about every digital point and click camera has a zoom lens.Some of the lenses that are used in photography can have a high price on them but the versatility that you have with these lenses will make them well worth the money.

Traditionally there are three basic types of lens. These are the normal lens, wide angle lens, and telephoto. You may want to start out with the normal lens. With this lens you have just about the same perspective as the human eye. You could say, what you see is what you get. The normal lens will be in the range of 45mm to 60mm and the focal length is typically in the middle area of the zoom range. The normal lens is well-suited for documentary type photography.Next you have the wide angle lens which are in the range of 28mm to35mm.The wide angle lens seems to be the most useful lens and therefore makes it the most popular. The reason being that this lens is the most popular is because you can be very creative using the wide angle lens. This lens is good for exaggerating the distance between objects that are near and far off. Let’s say that you want to take a photo that is looking up a tree, with this lens you can make it seem as if the tree goes into the sky forever. Try this, it is a pretty cool concept. Now for the telephoto lens, these lenses have focal lengths that range from 85mm and all the way up the the super telephoto lenses that range from 300mm to 600mm. What these lens do is bring distant objects closer and the longer the focal length the greater the magnification. The telephoto lens is very effective at compressing space.This photography information is just touching the surface of the different type of lenses that you can use. If you have a special niche of photography make sure to do your research and get the lens that is best for the type of photography you use. If you are not sure of what you want to shoot or if you want to try different types of photography the normal lens should meet your needs.

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By: bobby d strunk
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Being able to start Shutterbug-Photobiz was a dream come true for me. I’m a internet marketer that can use my love for photography to make a very nice living for myself. Shutterbug-Photobiz has also giving me a great way to help others take hold of their future and live the life that they desire. You can visit at shutterbugphotobiz.com and enter our camera give-away and also get the free photography information that can help you get to where you want to be.

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